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MB GPW How to Restore the SCR-610 Radio

This article shows how to Restore the SCR-610 Radio. This includes the power supply PE-120 and the BC-659 Transmitter/ Receiver.

This article applies to both Willys MB and Ford GPW WWII Military Jeeps 

1. The SCR-610 is one of the smaller WWII radio sets that were installed into jeeps. The radio can be found on either side of the jeep. This article will show one approach on how to install the jeep radio on the passenger side of the WWII Willys MB or Ford GPW jeep. Here you see the two main pieces of the radio.

#2 BC-659 Transmitter/Receiver
#1 PE-120 Power Supply

2. Before we do anything on the reciever/transmitter, we need to get started with the restoring of the power source first (PE120 #1). You want to verify that the power supply is supplying power, before you start looking at the transmitter/receiver restore.

3. This PE 120 power supply unit needs to be restored, so we will start by dismantling it so we can paint the box.

4. Here you see the cords are cut, but the first thing we have to deal with is the battery. Back in WWII the battery was a monsterous battery, which had the power of a couple of double A batteries of today. We will deal with this after we clean the box up first.

First lets remove the cover six screws.

5. After the cover is off, put the screws back on so you don't lose them (yellow arrows). Then turn the box over and remove the six screws on the bottom of the box (red arrows). Then pull the power unit out of the box.

6. After you pull the power source out of the box, you are ready to pull the hardware (handles, cord inlets off)

7. Now that the hardware is off the box, you can clean the paint off of it. As a general rule, I remove the paint with a wire wheel on a grinder, then I sandblast the item to get the rest of the paint off.

NOTE: The paint is a Signal Corps WWII semi gloss WRINKLE paint. So you need to prepare that kind of paint.

8. Here you see the PE 120 box is sandblasted and is ready for primer and paint. While task takes a couple days, we will now focus back on the power unit

9. Waiting for correct paint........IN PROCESS MORE TO COME (last edit 2/20/2012)

















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